Sunday, April 25, 2010

In Class Video

I thought that the video we watched in class on Thursday was very interesting. I thought that the fact that people are getting microchips implanted into their arms and into their children so they can track them and use the microchips and identification for security is crazy. I am not sure what side I see on this matter because it could be both good and bad. For example, I am 18 and I would not want my parents to be able to just go on the computer and find out exactly where I am. There is no privacy in that. Also, I am somewhat scared of this technological advancement because is it getting to be too much? However on the other side, it could help to locate missing children and keep fraud to a minimum since all of your information is in your arm and not your wallet.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Brave New World Savages, Who is it?

In Brave New World, they call the people who read books and have parents and religion, savages. But who really are the savages? The ones who have they're social class handed to them on a platter? Or is it the ones who work for what they want and have individual thought? In my opinion, its the ones who were born in petri dishes. They don't know what they believe or think. All they know is what they were told to know. They are like little robots doing and saying what the government tells them to. On the other hand, the 'savages' have minds of their own, they earn their place in society. These are the ones who should be on the top of the government, they know what is right and what is wrong. They don't run away from their thoughts or things that they don't like. They embrace it and fix it if possible.

Brave New World Vs. Feed

If you look at the book Feed, and then compare it to the book Brave New World, you find a lot of similarities. One similarity that really stuck out to me was the advancement of technology and how it is making their worlds worse. In Feed, the advanced technology was causing the people living in that world to resort to wearing masks and special clothes when they went near the ocean, they didn't have a real sun or clouds, they didn't even have real farm animals. Everything was artificial and it was killing them. In Brave New World, the technology they use is for education purposes. They are taught from birth what social rank they will be, what they like, and what they don't like. This basically tells them what to think and do. They don't really have any mind or opinion of their own. If they don't like something or if they want to escape reality, they take a soma and its gone.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Clockwork Orange 2

While working on the presentation, I realized that Alex's worlds punishment system isn't very strong and/or it doesn't work very well. If you look at our school's punishment system, it is so much stronger and works better than that of Alex's. Alex's punishment system is perceived to go: alternative school, probation officer, jail. I think that since they don't do anything to prevent violent behavior when the kids are young, it makes the chance of violent behavior when they are older much more likely.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Clockwork Orange

I think that the language used in the book Clockwork Orange, is very difficult to understand. When I first began reading the book, I couldn't even get past the first page without being completely confused. Once I found out there was a dictionary for the Nadsat, I went back and skimmed through the first few chapters that I didn't understand and got a better idea of the themes of the book.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I thought feed was a pretty good book, but a little difficult to understand at first because of all the weird words the author used. Some of the main ideas were good too, like how they are just putting factories everywhere and look where its gotten them. They have lesions all over their bodies, cities are just disappearing, people are freezing or just stop working all together, parts of the world are discovered and are vacant and all thats left is a sheet of black dust. I think that this could happen even today if we don't start taking care of our planet and not just carelessly throwing things around and realize what technology hurts us, and what technology helps us and limit the hurt.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dumbest Generation?

In the video we watched in class on Tuesday, the speaker claimed that we were the dumbest generation. I have to disagree with this statement. Based on the information he gave to back up his statement seemed to revolve around technology and his general area of profession. In a sense, the generations before us are the dumb ones, they created the technology yet most of them can't even work it correctly. I am constantly getting phone calls and texts from my mom asking how to work something on her phone or computer. Its definitely an opinionated answer and its too broad of a question to be answered efficiently.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Advertisement Messages

The videos we watched in class this past week were pretty shocking to me. You always see these ads and things on tv and in magazines, and you know that yeah, there is a half naked women here, or yeah the black man would be the one who is the bad guy, look at this picture to the right for example. you laugh anyway even though you know its wrong, and then you push it to the back of your head and forget about it. But when you really think about it, its horrible. Its just like giving white men and men in general the power even in ads and movies.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Quality in Electronic Interactions

The qualities I found with the interactions and conversations through technology would be the ability to work out problems and communicate so much faster then by mail or by traveling to see the person you're speaking with every time you want to talk to them. Although it has upsides to it, it also has downsides, such as, fights and unnecessary drama can occur due to sites like facebook, twitter, and myspace. There is also a lot of predators stalking young teenagers and more porn and violence accessible to young children that shouldn't be exposed to this kind of media.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

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