Friday, February 12, 2010

Dumbest Generation?

In the video we watched in class on Tuesday, the speaker claimed that we were the dumbest generation. I have to disagree with this statement. Based on the information he gave to back up his statement seemed to revolve around technology and his general area of profession. In a sense, the generations before us are the dumb ones, they created the technology yet most of them can't even work it correctly. I am constantly getting phone calls and texts from my mom asking how to work something on her phone or computer. Its definitely an opinionated answer and its too broad of a question to be answered efficiently.


  1. thats true sarah and you are right because it is very broad. Depending on how you look at situations and perspectives so I definitley agree with what you are saying.

  2. yeah i feel its opinion based. I feel we are lacking in some areas, but we are smarter in outher areas then other generations.

  3. I feel that it is based on different people in the generations. For instance my dad is a computer engineer and knows everything there is to know about the computer. He will help me with any trouble I might have with mine. My mom on the other hand just learned how to text message. It's all based on the amount of smart people in each generation and I believe my parents generation has an upper hand to ours.


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