Monday, April 19, 2010

Brave New World Savages, Who is it?

In Brave New World, they call the people who read books and have parents and religion, savages. But who really are the savages? The ones who have they're social class handed to them on a platter? Or is it the ones who work for what they want and have individual thought? In my opinion, its the ones who were born in petri dishes. They don't know what they believe or think. All they know is what they were told to know. They are like little robots doing and saying what the government tells them to. On the other hand, the 'savages' have minds of their own, they earn their place in society. These are the ones who should be on the top of the government, they know what is right and what is wrong. They don't run away from their thoughts or things that they don't like. They embrace it and fix it if possible.

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